EkonomiPos.com, Pekanbaru – There are 24 conflicts which are summarized by Scale up along 2014, most of them occurred in RAPP and APRIL company area. Executive Director Scale up Riau, Hari Octavian said that the most conflict was triggered by the previous conflict which only won one side of the part.
Whereas, both of these companies have a commitment to sustainable forest management problem, which is being heralded to international. The Procedure of campaign Also echoed as the resolution to solve the conflict.
“Both companies have deliberately risen as though seriously resolve the conflict. they also campaigned that any operational actions undertaken already fulfill the rights of the surrounding community,” he said.
But in fact, the RAPP and APRIL have not yet properly implement that commitment. “It can be proved from the many conflicts that we find in the area of the brand,” he added.
Previously, the results of the investigation Jikalahari recorded that the damage of natural forest and peatland destruction in Padang Island started since mid-2011. PT. RAPP started to cut natural forest in concession of Padang Island, while it was completely natural forest, in the absence of HCV assessment independent and credible, then with only a weak HCV assessment by a consultant, who violate their own the policy of protection of HCV in 2005. They do not follow the Indonesian HCV Toolkit, which is not reviewed (peer-reviewed) by HCVRN.
Furthermore in 2013, APRIL has commissioned another consultant, PT Remarks Asia, to conduct an assessment of the new HCV from the concessions while continuing cut natural forest. On November 22, 2013, APRIL has been submit to the WWF the map closer to the final of HCV areas and agreed with WWF that these areas would be protected by appropriate assessment by the HCV Resource Network. Interestingly, the area identified as HCV has lost about 1,600 hectares of natural forest on October 8, 2013, even before the assessment report completed.
On January 28, 2014, APRIL has published their policy SFMP. Since that day, PT. RAPP continue to cut natural forest which violate commitments SFMP Ia and Ib, without HCV consultants, they hammer out the independent assessment, transparent and credible.
“They are all experiencing a shortage of linkages to the HCV Toolkit Indonesia, lack of stakeholder consultation processes required and review of peer-reviewed by HCVRN as committed,” said Muslim.
Meanwhile, the Corporate Communications Manager RAPP Djarot Handoko via email sent to the editor BertuahPos, Monday (05/01/2015) denied it. “We need to explain that the Company conducts its operations always refer to the permission granted by the government through the Ministry of Forestry,” he said.
He explained that the operation always refers to the permission which given by the government through the Ministry of Forestry by prioritizing of the best of Corporate Governance Practices such as the implementation of Forest Management Policy Sustainability (the management of forest sustainability). It is also accompanied by an audit and monitoring of relevant agencies and experts (third party) corresponding to the field. (BertuahPos.com)