EKONOMIPOS.COM (EPC),JAKARTA – Attorney General Muhammad Prasetyo confirmed on Wednesday that the executions of 14 death row inmates would likely take place this week, following the completion of all legal and technical procedures.
The Joko “Jokowi” Widodo administration’s third round of executions would be held on the Nusakambangan prison island in Cilacap regency, Central Java, he added.
“We hope all parties can understand this. We acknowledge several parties have disagreed about it. This is not an easy task to do, but we have to do it anyway,” Prasetyo told reporters at the State Palace on Wednesday, without disclosing the exact date of the executions.
He added that the government had already sent official notification letters about the executions to all of the convicts. Notification letters had also been sent to the embassies of the countries of the foreign convicts.
“All legal aspects have been fulfilled. However, they still get a chance to meet their families. We will also ask for their last wishes,” he went on.
President Jokowi’s administration has so far executed 14 people in two rounds, both of which were carried out last year.
Despite a public outcry from those who oppose the death penalty, the government said its resolve to execute drug dealers and distributors would not change as they represented a huge threat to the country. (Ayomi Amindoni)